Charles Sanders Peirce

Pierce, a son of the famous mathematician Benjamin Peirce, was a staff member of Harvard College Observatory from 1869-75 under the directorship of Joseph Winlock. Together with Austin, Langley, Searle and Winlock he observed nebulae with the 15" f/18 Merz-refractor installed in June 1847. The results are published in Ann. Harv. Obs. 13, 62 (1882). Peirce discovered NGC 1170 while observing comet 1869 III in Aries. Alas, it is lost ("not found").

D N NI Y M D Ap I T Con Type S Author Title Source List
1 N 1170 1869 12 31 15,0 Rr v ARI NF 10 Pickering, E.C. Nebulae  Ann. Harv. Obs. 13, 62-85 (1882) 47


Harvard Observatory with 15" Refractor