George Friedrich Wilhelm Rümker

Obituary: AN 152, 27 (1900); Obs. 23, 183 (1900); VJS 152, 127 (1900)

Rümker discovered the open cluster NGC 1724 in Auriga. He found it with the 4" f/15 Fraunhofer refractor at the transit circle (erected in 1837; see AN [349] 15, 225 (1837)) of Hamburg Observatory (Millerntor). From 1867 Rümker used the new 10" f/11.5 Repsold äquatorial (shown below).

D N NI Y M D Ap I T Con Type S Author Title Source
1 N 1724 1864 4 30 4,0 Rr v AUR *Grp 9 Rümker, G. Beobachtungen von Circumpolarnebeln auf der Hamburger Sternwarte   AN [1508] 63, 305-318 (1865)


Hamburg Observatory (Millerntor)

Left Dome contains 10" Refractor


10" Repsold-Refractor (moved to Hamburg-Bergedorf)

The 10" at Hamburg-Bergedorf