Frank Bellamy

Obituary: MNRAS 97, 263 (1937)

Bellamy found the open cluster IC 4996 in Cygnus on a plate taken with the 13" astrograph at Radcliff Observatory, Oxford. He measured 103 stars in the cluster. After finishing his work he became acqaintened with the fact, that the region was already measured at Potsdam Observatory. However, IC 4996 was discovered by William Herschel at Slough. Also Hugo Clemens was earlier than Bellamy. He had taken a plate on June 13, 1896, marking a cluster of 12 stars (Photographische Himmelskarte, Bd. 2, p. 221, plate 922).

D N NI Y M D Ap I T Discoverer Observer Con Type S Author Title Source
  I 4996 1903 10 9 13,0 Rr p Herschel W. 20.9.1786 Clemens 13.6.1896 CYG II3p 4 Bellamy, F. A New Cluster in Cygnus MNRAS 64, 662 (1904)

Oxford Observatory